
Learn How to Find Pictures on Your Computer, Resize and Print from a Word Processing Document

Follow the steps below to get pictures from your computer that can easily be downloaded into a word processing document and resized to fit on your canvas (a rock perhaps?) 1.  Go to your computers search engine (I use Google) and type what you would like to find a picture of into the search bar. 2.  In this example, I will be searching for a  " hummingbird "  (but you can type in whatever you would like, perhaps " garden flowers ").  So type 'hummingbird' into the search bar  (see picture below...) 3.  Hit  'Enter'.  Next ,  directly underneath the search box or somewhere on the page depending on what search engine you use, you should see a list of choices, they are:  Web, Shopping, Images, Videos, News, More .  Select "Images" from the menu below by left clicking with your mouse on your search screen... 4.  You will see many pictures of ' hummingbirds ' appear.  Scroll down until you see one you would like to us...

Learn How to Make Flower and Fairy Motifs for Glass Projects

You can make a jar like this using my method Well, finally out of desire to create a fairy jar that can be used as a night light, and not being able to purchase transparent  fairy rub-on transfers  for glass, I came up with an inexpensive way to make them myself. I love the process of creating something out of nothing, I guess that's why I love crafting!  However, it's frustrating sometimes when I get an idea to make something and just can't quite seem to find the right supplies I need to make it. This is where sheer determination comes in!  As my mom always told me when I was a child, "use your noodle, Nancy".  In case you don't know what the noodle is, it's your brain, LOL!  Brains can look like a noodle...get it? ...haha, okay, it's not THAT funny, but I just thought about my mom saying that to me, so I thought I'd share.  My lovely mom was full of sayings... I came up with a way to make beautiful motifs using  clear contact paper  which c...

How To Transfer an Image to a Rock Using Freezer Paper, White Paint and Mod Podge!

I have been testing out a few methods of image transfer and I think I finally found the best way to do it. Freezer paper is the answer!  What???  Yes, it's an awesome way to transfer images! The supplies you will need are... - Freezer paper ! (regular freezer paper roll that you would use in your kitchen like Reynolds) - Mod Podge  - Double sided Scotch tape - White acrylic paint - Inkjet image (I will explain where to find and get images below for free)  - Water - Paint brushes Supplies needed for Transferring an Image with Freezer Paper Directions: 1.  Before transferring the image, take a paint brush and give your rock two or three base coats of  acrylic white paint , letting it dry in between coats... After Step 1 is complete, move on with Step 2 below... 2.  Print an image onto freezer paper (as per the video directly above) using the 'High' quality setting on your printer settings and printing on to the matte side of the paper (not the shiny ...

Painted Angel Rock Tutorial

In the video below, I will show you how to take a stained glass themed picture of an angel and transfer it onto a rock.  After it's been transferred, you can use acrylic paint pens to color it. To make this rock, or one like it, you will need the following  Supplies : A smooth rock White Acrylic Paint Paint Brush Stained Glass Themed Angel Transfer Paper - Graphite   Pen Sharpies Black Fine Point Sharpie Arteza Watercolor Paint Pens (optional) Sealant I’m not a hoarder I’m a pro-craftinator T-Shirt by Hobbylife How to Get a Picture of Stained Glass Angel from your Computer  (for free) Directions : 1.  Paint your rock with a base coat of  white acrylic paint two or three times, letting it dry in between coats. 2.  Find a picture you would like to transfer onto a rock by using the following method here...  On your computer, search the term ' stained glass angel '.   After you get the results, look directly under the Google Search box, ho...

Hand-Painted Wine Glasses

Here are some pictures of the wine glasses I have recently made with Deco Art paint pens. Click on this link to  my Etsy shop  (nancygirlcreations)  to see more pictures. Underneath each picture is a direct link to each glass if you would  like to learn more, please stop by anytime. Hand-Painted Monarch Butterflies Wine Glass Bird Wine Glass Butterfly Wine Glass White Daisies Hand-Painted Wine Glass Peacock Feather Wine Glass Dragonfly Hand-Painted Wine Glass Hand-Painted Penguin Wine Glass Hand-Painted Peacock Wine Glass Hand-Painted Butterfly & Lilac Wine Glass Hand-Painted Ladybug Wine Glass Deco Art Paint Pens come in a wide variety of colors and provide great control when painting on glass... Click the picture above for a direct link to the pens used to make these glasses   Be creative, and be happy! Friday, May 25, 2018 Hand-Painted Rocks - Painting on Rocks is a Fun Craft for All Ages My hobby is a little bit of a quirky sounding one, I love pai...